Bachelor's degree program



The general admission exam will cover chemistry, math, Mongolian language and English, and the minimum required score is 440. The duration of the study is four years with daytime classes.

Program description

An expert with knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the importance of food safety and nutrition in preventing and protecting the population from food-related diseases and promoting good health.

Program name, Index 



Mongolia's food safety policy and legal framework are rooted in the fundamental principle that "humans have the right to life," as enshrined in Article 16, Clause 1 of Chapter Two of the Constitution of Mongolia. This principle is also reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Mongolia is a signatory, as well as the country's National Security concept.

The state concept and government's policies on food and agriculture, along with laws such as the law on food and the law on ensuring the safety of food products, form the backbone of Mongolia's food safety regulations. Additionally, other relevant laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of Mongolia's food products.

The public health problem in Mongolia, characterized by a lack of nutrients in the population, is attributed to the country's unique geography and climate, as well as the people's inappropriate lifestyles, inadequate diets, and limited access to diverse food products. To address this issue, both developed and developing countries around the world have been training dietician who can support the health of their populations by providing knowledge on healthy living and implementing government food policies and decisions.

A national survey on the nutritional status of the population in Mongolia revealed an urgent need for evidence-based healthy food information due to the shortage of qualified nutrition science professionals. Across all regions of the country, people of all ages suffer from deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, and food insecurity is prevalent. Therefore, there is a pressing need for dieticians who can promote food security and provide nutritious food products for people of all ages in health, educational institutions, and the food industry.


The goal of the program is to prepare specialists with comprehensive capabilities to identify, measure, and evaluate risk factors of food-related diseases, and to prevent and protect the population from diseases and disorders. The program achieves this by using methods and technologies that meet international standards, as well as adhering to ethical principles, proper nutrition, and legal regulations in Mongolia. The program also aims to instill in students a sense of humane compassion.

The program's ultimate objective is to provide care services that support the health of the population and promote healing of diseases through food.

Objectives of the program

Familiarizing students with the factors that affect the health of the population,

Mastering the concepts, theories, and methods necessary for providing professional nutrition science services to various sectors, such as the population, community, health, education, trade, industry, and services,

Acquiring knowledge and skills related to proper nutrition for different groups of the population and the public, and mastering the methodology for delivering professional services aimed at them,

Developing the ability to work effectively with multi-professional teams, acquiring knowledge and skills in leadership and organization,

Acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for determining the processes that affect the improvement of social and health policies, programs, and services, participating in influence activities, and organizing,

Recognizing, detecting, and analyzing positive and negative factors related to nutrition and learning the necessary skills to address them.

The program aims to achieve the following outcomes

Develop leaders who can prevent diseases caused by improper diet and lifestyle and promote correct attitudes and practices.

Train planners who can design and implement activities to prevent food-related diseases and ensure long-term quality living conditions.

Produce professionals who can comply with laws and legal documents of the Mongolia to eliminate and prevent the causes of food-borne diseases and associated factors.

Develop experts who can analyze the incidence and risk factors of non-communicable diseases in the population.

Produce evaluators in improving the population's knowledge about proper nutrition and assessing the consequences of nutrient deficiencies, particularly in cases of excess intake.

Produce educators who can promote the importance of proper nutrition, understand, and prevent diseases caused by wrong lifestyles.


Unit of responsible of program and address

Department of Nutrition, Room no. 324, School of Public Health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, S.Zorig Street, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, 14210, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia




Bachelor's degree program


Students who have graduated from 12th grade of secondary education will give exam on the 3 subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and English. A total of 129 credits in 4 years.

Program description

Our Health Economics bachelor program provides students with necessary knowledge on the effective and efficient allocation of scare resources in health care, to prevent the burden of morbidity and mortality at individual, household and national level, and to increase the quality of human life, to train professionals who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the economics and management in the field of health. 

Name and index of the program 

Economics /health/ – 4 years D031101

Aim of the program

To train health professionals who have knowledge and skills of effective and efficient organization, leadership, planning and management in health. Moreover, the program aimed to prepare health professionals with skills and knowledge to conduct health economic evaluation of program, optimal planning and distribution of resources, efficient use of scare resources, knowledge of economical and management skills necessary for continuous and sustainable development of the health organization.


Monitoring and evaluation of the activities, planning, organization, and leadership; 

Calculating costs and budgeting according to the planning of the health care organization;

Efficient allocation of resources including human resources, finance, investment, etc

Conduct health economic evaluations at organizational, sub-national, and national level 

Define and plan goals and strategies for health projects and programs.

Development of methods for effective and efficient resources allocations, and health economic evaluation of health programs, strategies, treatment and prevention

Develop economic methods to reduce health care costs.

Development and implementation of economic policies to ensure the quality, availability and equality of health care and services.

Conduct health economics research and analysis.

Core competencies  

In 2016, core competencies for health economics professionals were approved by the Board of Directors and the Academic Council of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. 

At the end of the bachelor degree program for Health Economics, students will acquire following core competencies:

  • Planner

  • Influencer

  • Collaborator 

  • Researcher

  • Trainer


Unit of responsible of program and address

Room No.326, School of Public Health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences




Bachelor's degree program


Program description 

Undergraduate health social work program is designed to prepare professionals who can work at all levels of the healthcare system and have the skills, knowledge, and attitude to identify psychosocial issues and needs of the client, identify, and strengthen the resources, provide professional social work services to support, prevent and protect the clients.  

Name and index of the program 

Health social work -092301

Background of the program  

Internationally, social work service in the healthcare sector was founded at the beginning of the 19th century. Health social work services are launched to address patients’ needs and interests, understand social determinants of diseases, ensure the quality of care, and highlight the importance of a multi-professionals team. In the USA, 2 of every 5 social workers are working in the healthcare sector, and that indicates the importance of the social worker’s role in this sector. International practices show that health social workers are involved in the primary healthcare system to prevent diseases, change behaviors, and provide health education by mobilizing, organizing, and advocating for communities. In acute care settings, social workers provide professional services to support patients and families to resolve psychosocial issues, empower clients, expand resources, and involve in discharge planning and work in a multi-professional team to ensure the continuum of care.

High rates of non-communicable diseases, violence against children, family, and the elderly, and accidents, and injuries which are one of the leading causes of mortality in Mongolia indicate the significance of social work services in the Mongolian healthcare sector. Global Standard for Social Work Education and Training was approved in 2004 by the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. According to this document, one of the standards to provide social work education and training is the standard of core curricula. As indicated in this standard, (1) social work education shall be rooted in local, national, regional, and international priority needs and issues, (2) nevertheless, there should be certain core curricula that are universally applicable. 

Mongolian Standard on Undergraduate Social Work Program (MNS 5323-94:2009) which includes the core context of general and foundation courses was approved by Mongolian Agency for Standard Metrology in 2009. In addition, human resource standards for health centers in provinces, districts, hospitals, and clinics included at least 2-3 social workers. This also indicates the rising need for this profession. 

Program goal

The objective of the program is to prepare professionals who can work at all levels of the healthcare system and have skills, knowledge, and attitude to identify psychosocial issues and needs of the client, identify and strengthen the resources, provide professional social work services to support, prevent and protect the client

Objectives of the program 

Recognize determinants of population health, psychology, and social wellbeing.

Apply social work values and ethical principles of respecting human rights, social justice, and diversity.

Learn essential theories, perspectives, and methods to provide social work services at all levels of healthcare system. 

Learn methodologies to empower diverse groups and communities, provide professional services to these populations. 

Obtain knowledge and skills to effectively collaborate, lead, and organize multi-professional teams 

Obtain knowledge and skills to organize, participate advocacy activities, and define advocacy measurements to improve health policies, programs, and services. 

Obtain skills to understand, identify, and analyze social problems.  

The graduates of Health social work undergraduate program will obtain the following core competencies  

  1. Case manager – Assessing the needs and situation of the clients and plan, provide, and link appropriate services, and monitor the process. 

  2. Advocate – Advocate for decisions related to wellbeing and health of the population, communities, and individuals. 

  3. Collaborator – Collaborate with multi-professionals actively and effectively to ensure the best quality of the care. 

  4. Researcher – Generate scientific evidence of health related psychosocial issues and apply the evidence to make decisions to improve the quality of the services. 

  5. Educator – Educate clients, social workers, and collaborators when providing social work and healthcare services and provide supervision. 


Program unit and contact information

Department of Health social work and social sciences at the School of Public Health administers Undergraduate health social work program. 

Address: MNUMS, School of Public Health Room #330. 



Bachelor's degree program


Definition of the program

An integrated document of a day time course that aims at preparing "Hygienist, Epidemiologist" professionals in the field of hygiene and epidemiology with the knowledge, skills, abilities and professional ethics to implement activities aimed at ensuring a healthy and safe living environment and conditions for human beings, and at detecting and preventing negative effects caused by the environment which consists of 165 credit hours providing bachelor degree level education. 

Name and index of the program

Hygienist&Epidemiologist, index 102101

Background of the program

Throughout the world, ensuring a safe environment for living, working and learning aims at determining the risk factors that negatively affect human health, and how to detect, measure, evaluate, decrease, eliminate, and prevent those risk factors to promote and preserve health. Activities aimed towards creating a safe environment to live, work, and learn have been constitutionalized to become the leading direction of public health and are regulated by the Law on Hygiene, Health law and other legislations related to health. The execution of the Law on Hygiene is conducted by professionals in epidemiology and hygiene as expected of their role. The needs and demand of a professional is determined by laws and regulations stated in the following documents: article 16.2 of the Constitution of Mongolia (1992) which states the right to live in a healthy and safe environment and to be protected against environmental pollution and ecological imbalance; article 1, chapter 2 of the Law on Hygiene (2016) which states the requirements of a Healthy environment; article 3.1 about protecting health; article 3.1.19 about promoting health; article 4 on regulations from the government about population health; article 4.2.2., an enactment that legislates Public health as the leading direction in Health Law (2011); the Health Minister’s command number A/169 of April 27, 2017, the Job description of a hospital infectious disease epidemiologist.    

According to the National Statistics Office 2022 news, in Mongolia there are more than 2556 factories, entities, and organizations with more than 50 employees. Among these organizations, there is a need for 95 epidemiologists in state control organizations, 12 in state security and health centers, 35 in universities, 92 in short term educational organizations, 110 in service (public food, food market, hotel services), 40 in specialized hospitals and provincial and district health centers, 100 in large mines, altogether an estimate of more than 3040 hygiene and epidemiology specialists are in demand. There is an increasing trend in air and soil pollution, and in the number of employees who will work in a hazardous environment due to the growth in population, urbanization, technological advances, and industrialization. 

Purpose of the program

In accordance with the citizen’s right to live in a safe and healthy environment free from environmental harm and natural imbalance stated in the Constitution of Mongolia, the objectives of this program is to train professionals who will have possessed the professional and ethical knowledge, skills, and abilities to work in the field of hygiene and epidemiology in health organizations, general agency for specialized inspection, factories, entities, scientific and governmental organizations, implement activities directed at ensuring healthy and safe living conditions, and screen for any possible negative impact from the environment that may affect human health. 

Objectives of the program

  • Acquire the basic understanding about the living, learning and working environmental factors that can affect population health, their characteristics, and positive and negative impact on health, and how to measure and prevent those risk factors 

  • Acquire the understanding of the risk factors in the living, learning and working environment on a national and international level of hygiene standards and highest level of recommended standards and regulations

  • Acquire the understanding of public health and health policies, and ways of health promotion

  • Acquire the understanding of infection control and prevention and the epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases in a health organization

  • Acquire the understanding of corresponding measures and controlling infection and their risk factors related to health services

  • Acquire the understanding of how to develop a plan in active and passive screening

  • Understanding risk assessments and how to ensure safety of patients and the population who are getting service in health organizations

  • Understanding how to ensure food safety, safe food consumption and handling

  • Acquire knowledge about study methods, and skills on statistical analysis and how to collect evidence based on research

  • Detect positive and negative risk factors that affect population health, determine the assessments on how to measure risk factors and choose the correct measuring units, and perform evaluations of those assessments

  • Evaluate the measurements based on standards and regulations

  • Give evaluation on food hygiene indicators and provide recommendation on safe food consumption

  • Plan and implement preliminary and estimated hygiene control, evaluate its performance, and develop regulations

  • Develop, update, elaborate amendment proposals for legal framework regarding hygiene, and spread it to the public

  • Provide interrelation between different sectors and organizations to preserve and promote health, demonstrate a leading role in planning, implementing, and expanding collaboration among branches

  • Prioritize infectious control measures in activities directed at population health preservation and prevention

  • Perform activities for health promotion and prevention in accordance with evidence and science

  • Engage public resources in activities directed at hygiene and epidemiology by collaborating and utilizing the resources as needed

  • Comply with ethical standards while performing activities related to hygiene and epidemiology

Expected outcomes of the program

In accordance with the laws and regulations followed in Mongolia, Hygiene and Epidemiology specialists will demonstrate the following knowledge and skills. These include: 

  • Organize activities directed at implementing the Law on Hygiene and ensure its execution;

  • Develop and implement plans, rules, and regulations within an organization;

  • Ensure collaboration among state administrative organizations regarding hygiene and epidemiology;

  • Develop national projects and programs directed at preventing and decreasing harmful effects on human health, regulate their implementation, and evaluate and assess the outcomes; 

  • Initiate and ensure implementation of academic and scientific research concerning issues on hygiene;

  • Coordinate collaboration among governmental and non-governmental organizations and citizens aimed at ensuring hygiene conditions and eliminating any current or potential negative effects, and collaborate with international organizations; 

  • Determine the need for training on hygiene and epidemiology at a workplace and develop a program, organize the training, assess and report its outcomes; 

  • Oversee the requirements of infection control and prevention in a workplace and health organization, manage by utilizing professional methodologies, study the transmission of disease and plan and organize counter response;

  • Conduct an active and passive screening, and determine the causes and risk factors;

  • Determine the risk factors of break-outs, conduct a study, and take measures to stop the spread;

  • Develop and implement a plan to respond urgently, and assess the outcomes;

  • Demonstrate the skills to assess the safety of food and food production in a hospital. 


Comprehensive potentials of a Hygiene and epidemiology specialist

K1: Knowledge

1. Basic understanding about the characteristics of risk factors in a living, learning and working environment that can affect population health, and their positive and negative impacts on health. 

2. About risk factors in living, learning and working environment and how to measure and prevent them

3.  About the risk factors in the living, learning and working environment on a national and international level and highest level of recommended hygiene standards and regulations

4.   About public health and health policies, and ways of health promotion

5. Importance about interrelation and collaboration among different sectors and organizations to preserve and promote population health

6. About study methods and methodologies, and statistical analysis

7. About infection prevention and control in a health organization

8. About epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases

9. Understanding how to ensure food safety, safe food handling and consumption

S1: Skills

1. Detect the risk factors that positively or negatively affect population health

2. Correctly select the measurables and units, and assessment tools to measure the risk factors that negatively affect population health

3. Perform calculations that measure risk factors that affect population health. Assess the measure outcomes based on standards and regulations. 

4. Give evaluation on food hygiene indicators and provide recommendation on safe food consumption

5. Plan and implement preliminary and estimated hygiene control, evaluate its performance, and develop regulations

6. Develop, update, elaborate amendment proposals for legal framework regarding hygiene, and spread it to the public

7.Take a leading role in planning, implementing, and expanding the collaboration among organizations and branches

8. Acquire the potential to collect research based evidence

9. Evaluate and oversee food production and food safety

A1: Abilities

1. Prioritize infectious control measures in activities directed at population health preservation and prevention

2. Perform activities for health promotion and prevention in accordance with evidence and science

3. Engage public resources in activities directed at hygiene and epidemiology by collaborating and utilizing the resources as needed

4. Comply with ethical standards when performing activities directed at consumers related to hygiene and epidemiology 

5. Direct governmental and non governmental activities and projects to protect population health and disease prevention. 

6. Solve any issue in collaboration with a team

7. Demonstrate ethical standards in communication and work 

8. Evaluate the prevalence and recurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, evaluate and monitor their risk factors. 

9. Assess food production and food safety


The director and address of the unit overseeing the project

Professor Davaalkham D., Ph.D., Dean at School of Public Health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

Address: 335, School of Public Health, MNUMS, S.Zorig street, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Phone number: +976 11329126


Bachelor's degree program


Program description

Occupational safety and hygiene specialist who has the knowledge, attitude, and practice about prevention of industrial accidents, acute poisoning, and occupational diseases by identifying, evaluating, controlling, eliminating, and reducing dangerous factors at the workplace that adversely affect the health and safety of employees. 

Name and index of the program  

Occupational safety and hygiene, index 102201


The objective of a higher education programme is to prepare a professional to deliver knowledge and skills to apply in workplace and everyday life using modern technology and methods.   

As indicated on section 17.6 of law on Occupational safety and hygiene that preparation of Occupational health and safety professionals is to be regulated by law on Higher education.  

The section 27.3 of law on Occupational safety and hygiene indicates the following responsibilities to be carried out by Occupational health and safety professional at entity: 

  • To develop and execute Occupational health and safety strategy, plan, rule and guidelines at workplace

  • To comply with Occupational safety and hygiene related laws and regulations 

  • To conduct needs assessment on workers knowledge and attitude towards occupational health and safety at workplace and to develop training curriculum to train workers on occupational health and safety at workplace.

  • To oversee adequate personal protection equipment for workers at workplace 

Program content

Objective of main approach in developing bachelors programme in Occupational health and safety is to prepare morally correct and humanistic professionals who meet national and international demands for industrialization with capacity to recognize hazards, to conduct hygienic measurement, to investigate occupational disease and injuries and to reduce hazards at workplace.

The development of the training plan is produced according to the "Requirements for tertiary education programs" approved by the appendix of order No. A/174 dated April 28, 2014, of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Mongolia.

The general Occupational health and safety program content consists of 126 credits hours to complete in 4 years. The courses are in terms of content divided into required course and elective courses. In the program curriculum, basic courses consist of 27%, professional courses are 25%, and advanced courses consists 48% of program curriculum which is in compliance with National requirement on bachelors degree programs.

The Occupational health and safety degree programme objective is as indicated on national and international laws and regulations to prepare integrated skilled professionals in the field. The programme has defined the following 5 domains to define integrated professional skill Occupational health and safety curriculum. 

  1. Leadership

  2. Planning

  3. Implementation

  4. Analysis

  5. Assess management outcome 

An Occupational health and safety professionals will gain the following 5 domains thus trained professional capable to solve occupational health and safety related challenges at workplace through scientifically evidence-based approach to plane, execute, asses and analyze. 


Unit of responsible of program and address

Хаяг: Монгол улс, УБ хот, СБД 1-р хороо , С.Зоригийн гудамж, АШУҮИС-ийн төв байр, НЭМС-ийн 335 тоот, Утасны дугаар: +976 11 32 91 26 

Анагаахын шинжлэх ухааны үндэсний их сургуулийн Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн сургууль Орчны эрүүл мэндийн тэнхим



Bachelor's degree program



The undergraduate 165 credits curriculum aims to train "Public Health Specialist " with broad knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and attitude to create a healthy environment by identifying and preventing effects. 

Name and index of the program 

Public Health Researcher, index 098801


It is important to recognize, detect, measure, and evaluate the risks that negatively affect health, to prevent, and promote health for a healthy environment. A healthy and safe environment for living, learning, and working is regulated by the Law on Health as a priority of the Ministry of Health and by the Law on Hygiene, the Law on Health, and other laws, rules, and regulations.

In Mongolia, from 1963 until the 1990s, hygienists were trained in hygiene and epidemiology fields. Since 2000, International trends in Public health have changed, and it started training specialists called “Public Health Specialist”. In 2014, the Core Competencies of the Public Health Professionals developed by Canadian public health specialists defines 8 areas and specifies 95 skills that specialists should be possessed. The content of the undergraduate program the Public health researcher has one main objective that trains the specialist with necessary public health skills in health, and private sectors such as academic institutions, public organizations, industries, enterprises, and other sectors.

Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences accredited successfully by National Education Accreditation Agency since the beginning of the implementation of the educational program in 2011 and 2018, respectively.

Professionals need

In 2011, authorities added a new statement on the Law of Health, which were 4.2.2. The priority of the health sector is legally defined as "Public Health services". In addition, added Public health services include screening, research, and monitoring the population's health status and health determinants, promoting and protecting health, and preventing diseases. In the Law on Health Care Services, family health care services include assessment, control, health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, nursing, and palliative and rehabilitation activities in modern and traditional medicine.

Resolution 2020/52 of the Mongolian Parliament and Vision 2050 documented that undergraduate and postgraduate training will be improved within international standards. Public health centers will be established to provide public health care and services to the population at the provincial and district levels.

According to the National Public Health Policy (Parliament 2001/81), the activities of protecting and supporting health are not only for early detection and treatment of diseases but also for promoting population health and healthy lifestyles. Increasing the active participation of people, families, and communities will be the priority of the government's policy on public health, which is a crucial part of human development. The Action Plan of the Mongolian Government (2020 to 2024) for health prioritizes strengthening the disease prevention system and early detection, expanding modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, and improving the quality and accessibility of health care and services. In the future, due to population growth, urbanization, technological progress, and industrialization in our country, the demand for this specialist is increasing.

Program Content

This program aims to provide the necessary skills to work as a public health specialist, hygienist, and epidemiologist in health, private, and academic institutions, public organizations, industries, enterprises, and other areas according to social needs. 

The development of the training plan is produced according to the "Requirements for tertiary education programs" approved by the appendix of order No. A/174 dated April 28, 2014, of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Mongolia.

To calculate and evaluate these indicators, we follow the training plan for public health specialists outlined in SOPH, MNUMS (November 7, 2016), which evaluates courses from the 1st to 5th academic year based on the corresponding credits and course schedule (Curriculum plan of MNUMS, SOPH, 2016):


Unit of responsible of program and address

Хаяг: Монгол улс, УБ хот, СБД 1-р хороо , С.Зоригийн гудамж, АШУҮИС-ийн төв байр, НЭМС-ийн 335 тоот, Утасны дугаар: +976 11 32 91 26 

Анагаахын шинжлэх ухааны үндэсний их сургуулийн Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн сургууль Орчны эрүүл мэндийн тэнхим