Health Administration - S(s)09190004, 6 months 

Brief introduction:

Health administration professional training has been organized since 2014. Managers of healthcare organizations and professionals working in the healthcare sector who are interested in learning management skills are enrolled in the course. We will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage organizations such as management, financial resources, health care quality, and risk management.

Food Hygiene- S(s)09180105: 6 months

Brief introduction:

Program is to turn students' awareness into knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the determination of hazards associated with food and the necessary measures to control those hazards. The program aims to teach students how to prevent or eliminate food safety hazards, understand the factors that cause food contamination, and the food safety requirements for food manufacturers and retail stores. Additionally, the program helps students develop legal documents related to food safety and effectively implement them.

Тархвар судлалын олгох - 6 сар S(s) 09180107

Хөтөлбөрийн товч танилцуулга: 

Хүн амын дунд гарч байгаа халдварт болон халдварт бус өвчний тархалтыг илрүүлэх, түүнд нөлөөлөх эрсдэлт хүчин зүйлд үнэлгээ хийх, зонхилох  тохиолдох өвчнийг эрт илрүүлж, хариу арга хэмжээ авах, ЭТҮХХ-ийн тархвар зүйн тандалт судалгаа хийж, хариу арга хэмжээ авахур чадварыг эзэмшүүлэх зорилготой

Статистикч их эмчийн олгох - 6 сар S(s) 09180101

Хөтөлбөрийн товч танилцуулга:

Хүн амын эрүүл мэндийн байдал, өвчин эмгэгийн тархалт, давтамжийг судлах, шалтгааныг тогтоох, өвчнийг илрүүлэх, оношлох, эмчлэх, сэргийлэх, эрт илрүүлэг зэрэг эрүүл мэндийн бүртгэл мэдээллийг хөтлөх, эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээнд үнэлэлт, дүгнэлт өгөх, хэрэгцээг тогтоох, шийдвэр гаргах, бодлого боловсруулах зэрэг үйл ажиллагаанд статистикийн арга, зарчимуудыг хэрэглэх мэдлэг чадвар олгох зорилготой.

Occupational health - 6 months

Brief introduction:

The aim of training is to instruct graduates on their knowledge, skills and practice to identify, monitor, assess, mitigate and prevent from hazards, toxic substances and their adverse health effects; to develop programs aimed at improving the healthy work environment in accordance with the characteristics of each industry.

Environmental hygiene - 6 months 

Brief introduction:

The aim of training is to instruct graduates on their knowledge and skills to implement interventions and develop prevention programs to detect, monitor, assess, mitigate and prevent adverse effects of the environment and urbanization, and to build a healthy and safe environment. 

Occupational disease - 4 months D720010

Brief introduction:

The purpose of training is to obtain knowledge, skills and attitudes to protect workers' health from workplace risk factors and reduce risks in any workplaces, factories and mines. By learning this program the physicians in industrial accidents, acute poisoning, and occupational diseases early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, and control.