Who we are

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics was founded as “Department of Microbiology and Epizootology” by the Director of the Mongolian National University dated February 01, 1947. Then it was one of the original departments of the School of Public Health, which was founded in accordance with the Medical University Director’s order in  2002. At that time it was named as a Department of Health Economics and Biostatistics and Department of Epidemiology. As a Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics the department wes reorganized in 2003. 

To produce evidence studying population health, assess and disseminate outcomes, train specialists with extensive knowledge and skills capable of protecting the health of the population.  

Since 2010, the faculty of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department has implemented more than 100 projects, and supervised more than 40 and 80 doctoral and master degrees. Meanwhile, there were around 600 publications produced and 200 of them were internationally.    

Meet our faculty

Eighty percent of faculty members completed short and long term educational training internationally. There are seven percent professors out of all faculty, 28 percent are associate professors. Fifty percent of the faculty are PhD and 15 percent are masters. 

Undergraduate program

  • Basics of Epidemiology

  • Epidemiology of Communicable disease

  • Epidemiology of Non-Communicable disease

  • Medical Parasitology

  • Basics of Biostatistics

  • Biostatistics 

  • Demography

  • Statistical program

Graduate courses 

  • Advanced Epidemiology  

  • Advanced Biostatistics 

  • Research Methodology

  • Cancer epidemiology

  • Environmental epidemiology

Postgraduate training  

  • Specialized training for  Epidemiology (6 months)

  • Specialized training for  Statistics (6 months)

  • Short-term credit trainings for health professionals

Computer laboratory

The Computer Laboratory has 20 computers, provides undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate training in biostatistics and statistical programmes. The laboratory offers counseling and advice on research and statistical analysis for researchers.  

Center for health statistics and geographic information system

Along with the Public Health Institute of MNUMS, the faculty of the Department are in charge of the “Centre for health statistics and geographic information system”. The Centre provides the following activities: 

  • To train faculty, students, doctoral and master students on research methods;

  • To provide training on statistical packages such as R, STATA, SPSS; 

  • To organize trainings on research methods;

  • To provide trainings on publishing a research paper


  • HIV and syphilis surveillance survey. MOH, NCCD, Global fund. 

  • A study to estimate the number of MSM and FSW who have sex with men in Mongolia. MOH, NCCD, Global fund

  • Study on Immunogenicity, safety, and reactogenicity of a half- and full-dose BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) booster vaccine: a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. MOH, NCCD

  • Air pollution study. NIH, MNUMS, SPH

  • “ЕБС-ийн сурагчдын эрүүл мэндийг дэмжих, хамгаалах цогц судалгаа” төсөл 0-9 насны хүүхдүүдийн дундах В, С вирус болон Ковид-19 ийн дархлаа тогтоцын судалгаа. /

  • БШУЯ, ЭМЯ. Багш нарын эрүүл мэндийн судалгаа. 

  • ЭМЯ, ХӨСҮТ, АШУҮИС. Эмч эмнэлгийн ажилтан болон тэргүүн эгнээний хүмүүсийн дундах КОВИД-19 вакцины дархлал тогтцын судалгаа.  /Ш.Шатар, Ш.Оюу-Эрдэнэ/

  • ЭМЯ, НҮБ. Жендерт суурилсан хүчирхийллийн дараах эрүүл мэндйин салбарын хариу арга хэмжээний бэлэн байдлын хамтарсан үнэлгээ. 

  • Ёрөнхийлагчийн тамгын газар. Эрүүл оюутан судалгаа.

  • ЭМЯ-ны дэмжих сан. Хүн амын чихэрлэг ундааны хэрэглээ, түүнийг бууруулах арга хэмжээ /Ц.Энх-Оюун/

  • ЭМЯ. Хүн амын эрт илрүүлэг. /Б.Батзориг/

International collaboration 

Япон Улс

  • Жичи Анагаахын  Их  Сургууль, НЭМ  тэнхим, Вирүс  Судлалын  тэнхим

  • Тоттори Их Сургууль, Олон Улсын Хуурай Газрын Судалгааны Төв

  • Азийн Кохорт Судалгааны Косорциум

  • Яманаши Их Сургууль

  • Япон Улсын Sysmex компани

  Солонгос Улс

  • Сөүлийн Их Сургуулийн УСАУ-ны тэнхим

   Тайвань Улс

  • Тайваны Үндэсний Ян Миний Их Сургууль


  • Харвардын Их Сургууль

  • Анагаах Ухааны Үндэсний Хүрээлэн (NIH)

Австрали улс

  • Сидней Их Сургууль

Канад улс

  • Квийнсын Их Сургууль

Олон Улсын Байгууллага

  • ЖАЙКА олон улсын байгууллага