One. Common ground

  1. The purpose of this regulation is to regulate the activities of providing scholarships to students participating in undergraduate programs of the National University of Medical Sciences /hereinafter referred to as MNUMS/ to support learning and self-development, to encourage successful students, and to provide support to the target group of society.

  2. Scholarships for students consist of the following types. It includes:

  • MNUMS Presidential Scholarship

  • Scholarships named after foreign and domestic organizations and foundations.

  • Scholarships named after alumni and individuals.

  • Other scholarships

  1. Tuition scholarships named after the President of MNUMS will not be awarded in combination with other scholarships.

Two. MNUMS Presidential Scholarship

2.1 The scholarship is intended to support talented and excellent students who are successfully studying at MNUMS, as well as students who are below the standard of living, and is given in the form of student tuition fees.

2.2 The amount of the scholarship will be decided by the Department of Finance and Economy (DFE) and the DFE will determine the following percentages:

  • Academic success,

  • Achievements in arts and sports, including national and international competitions. 

  • Achievements in the field of social activity and academic research,

  • Others

2.3 Students with disabilities will be selected under special conditions, considering their academic achievements, and living conditions, and will be given the opportunity to apply for scholarships.

2.4 The Board of Directors of the University will set the amount of scholarship nominations annually based on the number of students in the constituent schools.

2.5 Information about the scholarship will be announced to the students at least 10 days before the deadline of receipt of the appropriate materials and will be posted on the website of MNUMS.

2.6 Scholarship applications, resumes, academic results, and personal information, etc. the required documents will be received through electronic registration, and the methodologists of the branch school will check whether the composition of the materials and criteria are met, confirm with the signature of the Dean of the school, and prepare for the next round of selection.

2.7 Candidates for the selection of scholarships for MNUMS students must meet the following requirements. It includes:

  • According to the evaluation of the general admission test, the students of MNUMS must have obtained the appropriate score
  • Be a student of a diploma or bachelor’s degree program who has successfully studied a full set of full-time courses and demonstrated learning ability and initiative
  • At least 2 semesters of continuous study at MNUMS
  • He may not have received any disciplinary punishment or warning for violating the rules and regulations of MNUMS
  • Must not have received other types of scholarships

2.8 The working group will discuss and select each of the materials received for the scholarship selection. The task force will be responsible for forming the working group and organizing the selection process.

2.9 In order to determine the accuracy of the information during the selection process, additional information may be requested from the branch schools, individual teachers, the student's family, and the student himself.

2.10 Scholarship selection process will be held on September 15-30 and March 15-30 every year. Late submissions and incomplete documentation will not be accepted.

2.11 The names of the students selected for the scholarship will be presented to the Board of Directors of the University, confirmed by the President's order, and a copy will be sent to FED.

2.12 The information about the scholarship awarded will be compiled by the Student Office to create a database and will be constantly updated and will be made public through the website of MNUMS and will be included in the annual report of the National Academic Council.

2.13 The MNUMS Presidential Scholarship is for tuition only. Tuition fees for the current academic year may be applied to the tuition fees for the following academic year if the scholarship is awarded.

2.14 If it is proven that administrative or criminal violations have been committed, false documents have been submitted while applying for the scholarship, or violations of the school's ethical and other rules have been confirmed, the scholarship will be permanently canceled.

Three. Other scholarships

3.1 The types of scholarships include studying at MNUMS through scholarships awarded by foreign and domestic organizations and individuals, through inter-university agreements and student exchange programs.

3.2 Considering the requirements and conditions for awarding scholarships in the name of organizations and individuals, the work of nominating students for scholarships, and then conducting the initial selection, will be organized by the Department for Education Policy and Management.

If the student has received a MNUMS Presidential Tuition Scholarship:

A copy of the receipt of the scholarship must be delivered to the accountant in charge of tuition fees at the Department of Finance and Economy.

The presidential tuition scholarship will be used only for tuition fees, so it will be applied to tuition fees in the semester in which the scholarship is received.

Student Scholarship

In the period from January 2019 to December 2019, 16 foreign and domestic scholarship programs were announced at MNUMS, and a total of 249,141,240.00 MNT scholarships were awarded to students. A scholarship of 85,000,000 MNT has been awarded in the MNUMS presidential scholarship.

List of organizations that awarded scholarships in 2019

  • A C H Services LLC
  • Association With Flowering Future
  • Khanbogd Development Circle NGO
  • UG LLC
  • The governor of South Gobi province
  • Eternal Dose LLC
  • Mongolrostsvetmet Department
  • Rising Sun Educational Assistance
  • Christina Noble Children's Foundation
  • Zorig Foundation 
  • D. Dashbalbar governor 
  • Bayalag Taihar LLC
  • Mitsubishi Corporation 
  • *MKTN* NGO

In the period from January 2018 to December 2018, 14 foreign and domestic scholarship programs were announced at MNUMS, and a total of 424 students were awarded scholarships worth 278,018,000 MNT

List of organizations that awarded scholarships in 2018

  • Oyu Тolgoi LLC 
  • CLWH Hospital 
  • Denk Pharma
  • Zorig Foundation 
  • Vision of the world
  • Zinc mineral LLC
  • Christina Nobel Children's Foundation
  • Arevalians LLC
  • Eco-Ant LLC
  • Mongolian Gold LLC
  • Friends of Mongolia NGO
  • The governor of South Gobi

In the period from January 2017 to December 2017, 19 foreign and domestic scholarship programs were announced at MNUMS and 208,937,000 MNT scholarships were awarded to a total of 242 students. 95,000,000 MNT scholarships were awarded to 175 students under the MNUMS presidential scholarship.

List of organizations that awarded scholarships in 2017

  • Oyu Тolgoi LLC 
  • CLWH Hospital 
  • Denk Pharma 
  • Zorig Foundation 
  • Vision of the world
  • Zinc mineral LLC
  • Christina Noble Children's Foundation
  • Arevalians LLC
  • Eco-Ant LLC
  • Mongolian Gold LLC
  • Friends of Mongolia NGO
  • The Governor of South Gobi 
  • Ujin Med Hospital
  • Khan Bank
  • Genghis Khan Bank

Student Scholarship