MNUMS is supporting the call of the "BILLION TREES" national movement called by the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, during the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. The MNUMS participates under the slogan, "BUILD A HEALTHY FUTURE TOGETHER.

In honor of the historic 80th anniversary of MNUMS, the "MNUMS Grove" was established in the National Park on May 14, the National Tree Planting Day. Teachers have planted 2000 trees and saplings. In the future, all the employees and students of the 3-branch school, 7 schools, affiliated hospitals, institutes, centers, and departments of MNUMS will plant 80,000 trees together.

As part of the Green Grove tree-planting activity of MNUMS, every spring and fall of each year, trees and seedlings will be planted in the National Park and MNUMS's hospital and sanatorium environment.