Who we are

Building a modern learning environment with curriculum and programs that are in line with the development policy and goals of MNUMS, providing specialists complied with global standards, modern trends, and the requirements of today's society in the fields of public health, hygiene, epidemiology, occupational safety, and hygiene.

We provide undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate courses in public health/hygiene, occupational safety, hygiene, epidemiology, medical and nursing students in hygiene, environment, occupational hygiene, occupational safety, risk assessment, toxicology and radiation hygiene. In addition, our department operates Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory, accredited by the MNS ISO 17025:2018 standard.

The Department of Environmental Health offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in environmental and occupational health fields.

Meet our faculty

Currently, the Department has 10 faculties including 2 associate professors, 2 with doctorate degrees, and 6 with master’s degrees.


  • Public health researcher index: 098801

Through student-centered and competency-based training in the field of public health, “Public Health Researcher” with appropriate knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and attitude are being trained who implement activities to create a healthy and safe environment for people to live, and to identify and prevent adverse effects of environment on health.

  • Occupational safety and hygiene index: 102201

“Occupational health and safety” specialists with a decent knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and attitude are being trained who implement activities to protect the health and safety of workers by controlling and mitigating the risk factor of industrial accidents, acute poisoning, and occupational diseases in the workplace through student-centered and competency-based training. 



  • Occupational safety and hygiene, index E09180102

The aim of the training is "to protect employees from occupational diseases and industrial accidents by identifying, measuring and evaluating hazards in the workplace, and to plan hazard mitigation activities in the workplace; to train specialists with knowledge, skills and attitudes on establishing scientific evidence with practical significance and to conduct scientific research in the field of prevention”.

  • Public health, index Е09180101

The public health master's program is aimed at conducting academic and research work in the field of prevention of population health and the factors affecting it, effective implementation of intervention measures to support and protect population health, practical significance and scientific evidence.



The Department of Graduate Educational Policy and Management organizes specialized and graduate courses at MNUMS .

  • Graduate course on occupational health, 6 months

  • Graduate course on environmental health, 4 months

  • Environmental health

  • Occupational health

  • Food hygiene

  • "Environmental Risk Factors Affecting Cardiovascular Disease" (2010-2015), funded by NIH in collaboration with School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, US; budget amount: $1 million

  • With the support of the ADB award №JFPR9131, "Nutrition Assessment" (2009-2012) project was implemented to empower faculties and to improve the learning environment.

  • "UGAAR (Ulaanbaatar Gestation and Air Pollution Research)-I, II, III" project in collaboration with Simon Fraser University, Canada since 2012

  • Water Security Plan since 2013

  • Tax Estimates of Sweetened Beverages, 2017

  • Children's Lead Risk Assessment, 2017-2020

  • Assessment of outdoor and indoor air pollution, 2018-2019

  • MDH study on air pollution of the population of Ulaanbaatar city, 2018

  • Biomonitoring Research on Population Health, 2018

  • Health impact assessment of open-pit mining workers, 2018-2019

  • “Establishing a Center for Environmental and Occupational Health” U01 project funded by NIH, in collaboration with University of Texas Medical Branch and Duke University, 2022-2027

  • Environmental hygiene assessment of secondary schools, 2022

Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory

Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory was established in 1976 as a training and research laboratory of hygiene. The purpose of the OEHL is to contribute to public health by conducting research, training and professional activities on the adverse effects of the workplace and the environment. The Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory, accredited by the “MNS ISO 17025:2018 General Requirements For The Competence Of Testing And Calibration Laboratories”, conducts PM gravimetric/weighing analysis (PM2.5, PM4.0, PM10, total suspended particulates), silica dust analysis, while carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, noise measurement, vibration measurement, air humidity, air temperature and lighting are being measured using direct measurement methods.

● Research

● Assessment of workplace conditions and hygiene measures

● Laboratory service

● Professional skills training


The Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Laboratory is a part of the Public Health Institute at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. It is a base for research, training and professional activities. The laboratory is running with a total of 8 specialists (full-time 2, part-time 6) including an associate professor, 6 PhD candidate students, 2 MPH specialists, and 1 master candidate.