Who we are

The Department of Preventive Medicine is one of the oldest departments of  MNUMS. It was first established in 1956 under the name of the & quot; Department of Hygiene and Health Protection Organization & quot; as a part of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Mongolia.

In 2002, Public Health related departments expanded to the School of Public Health, and the Department of Preventive Medicine was officially established and became part of the School of Public Health.

Currently, the Department of Preventive Medicine is conducting both undergraduate and graduate training, research, and professional activities in the field of public health and preventive medicine with 6  main faculty members.

To train doctors and health specialists with comprehensive knowledge and skills in public health and preventive medicine that based on the development of the countries and social demand connected with the school improvement strategy

Meet our faculty

The Department of Preventive Medicine offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in preventive medicine and public health fields. Currently, the Department has 6 faculties including 1 professors,  1 associate professors, 4 with master’s degree.

Undergraduate training

  • Introduction to Public Health

  • Introduction to Preventive Medicine

  • Health Promotion

  • Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases

  • Disaster Prevention Management

  • Public Health Policy

  • Global Health /elective

  • Health Impact Assessment /elective


  • Prevention of communicable and non-communicable disease

  • Maternal and adolescent health education

  • Healthcare quality and information technology

  • Healthcare management and organizational structure

  • Disaster preparedness and management

  • Environmental pollution, drinking water quality and hygiene


1. 2021 WHO. Researching the health care services provided to young people and the delivery of care during the COVID-19 pandemic

2. 2021 Health Promotion Fund. Researching the behaviour of men seeking health care, services and the factors

3. 2020 – 2021 Sumitoma Fund, Japan. Comparative assessment of Japanese-Mongolian nurse’s workplaces and development of recommendations

4. 2019 Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Fund. Optimal use of information and communication strategies to increase the early diagnosis of non-communicable diseases

5. 2019  Based on the participation of young people: Becoming a producer of family-health

6. 2018 WHO. Based on the participation of local youth: Alcohol-free life-sober development. Dornogovi Province

7. 2018 United Nations Children's Fund. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Study of Drinking Water Among the Population of Zavkhan Province

8. 2017 Good Neighbours Mongolia. Study of knowledge, attitudes and practices of sexually transmitted infections among the target population of Nalaikh District

9. 2017 WHO. Online survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices of sexually transmitted infections among students of state-owned universities

10. 2017 WHO. Study to determine awareness and attitudes about alcohol consumption and harm among adolescents and young people

11.2016 Good Neighbours Mongolia. Knowledge, attitude and practice survey of the population of some districts of Ulaanbaatar about drinking water and oral hygiene

12. 2011-2012 Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, George Washington University, USA. “Public Health Master's Degree” joint scholarship program

13. 2013 Millennium Challenge Account. Repeated study of effectiveness based on health facilities

International collaboration 

Yonsei university health system, Medical Mission Center