I’m pleased to welcome you on behalf of the School of Public Health which is one of the schools of MNUMS.
Our school was established in 1956 as the Department of Hygiene. In 2002, the School of Public Health (SPH) was founded to broaden its activities and structures. As of today, our school have 6 departments, 1 institute, 3 laboratories, and 4 centers that have comprehensive academic, research, and professional activities. In this school, 50 faculties are working in 8 professor’s team which are public health studies, environmental health, child health and nutrition, epidemiology, biostatistics, health social work, social sciences, and economy.
As stated in the Law on Health, Public health is the priority area of healthcare. SPH is the first and only one state university that prepares public health professionals and we have high responsibility to train specialists who meet the national qualifications and have internationally recognized knowledge and skills. We have 500 undergraduate students studying in 3 programs, 160 graduate students, and 130 students who are enrolled in 10 different post-graduate programs. We have launched 2 new undergraduate programs in 2019 and planning to gradually extend our academic areas in the future.
SPH is one of the leading schools in foreign relations, research, and academic projects in the MNUMS. As of 2018, we have collaborated with more than 30 universities in 15 countries and implemented 22 research grants with funding from local and international institutes. Our school aims to expand numbers as well as quality of publications and projects of the faculties to contribute to MNUMS’s vision to become one of the top 100 medical universities in Western Pacific region of Asia.
According to Mongolian national policies, priorities, and increasing requirements in preventive measures of health, we are working diligently to fulfill the quality management system in our academic, research, and professional activities to establish internationally recognized Mongolian public health service, to prepare the public health workforce who led research and professional activities.
May every Mongolian have a healthy and long life.